How to Buy MGOAT in PancakeSwap ?

MaxGoat token
4 min readMay 12, 2021


We inform you that in a few hours we will be fairlaunching on pancakeswap. You can see complete information on the link below :

Counting down :

Token : MGOAT

Contract Address : 0x7c33f876478d528b5d8126cef8ffcc89cc1ad793

Chain : Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) :

Link :

To get started, you need to add Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network into your wallet:

A. How to Set Up and Use Trust Wallet for Binance Smart Chain

1. First, make sure you’ve connected your Metamask wallet on PancakeSwap and you’re on Binance Smart Chain Network on PancakeSwap.

2. You can transfer BNB token in Centralized Exchanger (Binance) via Smart Chain Network (BEP-20) to BNB Wallet (Smart Chain) in Metamask.

3. Open your Metamask, click on Smart Chain and then on Receive. Copy the wallet address.

4. Go to Binance exchanger again, paste the address at the Recipient’s BNB Address, select Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and send your BNB to your Metamask Wallet.

5. After you received the coins. Click “Connect” from top right if MetaMask doesn’t ask you to connect first.

To swap MGOAT (BEP20) on PancakeSwap, go to the “Exchange” tab and select the MGOAT token. Note : MGOAT’s Contract will be informed later in Telegram Group :

1. If you can’t find MGOAT by search, you’ll need to add the token manually. Click on the two dots with stripes at the top right (next to Collectibles). If you don’t see it, click “Add Token” on your Metamask’s “Assets” tab, click “Custom Token” and paste MGOAT Contract Address on the BSC network:


That’s it. MGOAT token will show up in your MetaMask wallet.

2. Next, select the token that you want to swap for MGOAT. In our case, we’ve chosen BNB (Smart Chain BEP-20). Type the amount of BNB you’d like to swap for, or the MGOAT amount you’d like to get, and click “Swap”. Please note: The transaction fee is charged in BNB, and usually is between $0,01 and $2. Confirm the transaction from Metamask and you’re good to go.

B. Step-by-step guide to buy MGOAT via TrustWallet

1. Download the Trust Wallet app on your smartphone, install the wallet and make a secure backup of your key phrase.

2. Make sure you’ve connected your Trust Wallet wallet on PancakeSwap and you’re on Binance Smart Chain Network on PancakeSwap.

3. You can transfer BNB token in Centralized Exchanger (Binance) via Smart Chain Network (BEP-20) to BNB Wallet (Smart Chain) in Trustwallet.

4. Open your Trustwallet, click on Smart Chain and then on Receive. Copy the wallet address.

5. Go to Binance exchanger again, paste the address at the Recipient’s BNB Address, select Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and send your BNB to your Trustwallet.

6. After you received the coins. Click “Connect” from top right if Trustwallet doesn’t ask you to connect first.

7. Due to price volatility, you may need to increase the slippage (price tolerance) to 10%. Find the Liquidity menu and setting up the slippage

8. After you click swap, you will be directed to page to confirm the transaction. Before you proceed, you may need increase the gas fee (in setting menu) to 30–35 Gwei ($3–4) in order to speed up the transaction.

Note : Increase Gas ! Fees Binance Smart Chain is experiencing issues, with many transactions failing. If you’re having trouble, try increasing your transactions’ gas price (fees) in your wallet app when you submit them.


About Max Goat ($MGOAT)

Max Goat is an experiment in decentralized community driven. No founders, no team tokens. Max Goat is a sustainable community project that was 100% run by community experiment.

We believe everyone should have an equal chance to own Max Goat token, there is no team token. Everyone has to buy on the open market, this means developers have no more right for ownership than anybody else in the world.

Max Goat is the native utility token of the Max Goat ecosystem and will be used for: Staking & Farming, NFT’s, Target Price Rewards, Launchpad, Affiliate, Swap, Borrowing & Lending, Social Mining.

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Max & Total supply :

✅ Pool Dividen (10%)

✅ Burn 50% 500. (50%)

✅ Liquidity (20%)

✅ Staking,Farming & Marketing (20%)

Featured :

✅ No token dev

✅ No mintable

✅ Fair launch

✅ Audited

✅Burn of every Transaction automatically 5%

✅Interested for every transaction 5% (Every token holder will gain automatic transaction fee on their wallet, on every transaction happening in Pancake Swap)



Featured & Ecosystem :

1. Staking and Farming (Coming soon)

2. NFTS (Coming Soon)

3. Target Price Dividen (Coming soon)

4. Launchpad (Coming Soon)

5. Affiliate (Coming soon)

6. Swap (Coming Soon)

7. Borowing & Lending (Coming Soon)

8. Social Mining (Coming Soon)



MaxGoat token

Community-led. Charity-driven. Yield-generating. Move and save the world to protect animals, Together we can.